Experienced DUI Lawyers in Sacramento County
DUI Defense Attorneys You Can Count On
If you are operating a vehicle and a police officer suspects you are under the influence, you could be facing criminal penalties. Whether or not you felt you were driving unsafely, the law has statutes in place to convict you of a crime and deliver penalties that could hurt your future. You need help from DUI attorneys in Sacramento who can stand strong in support of your interests. The DUI Lawyers at Donato Legal Group, are here to help you protect yourself and avoid the consequences of a conviction. Call today and schedule a free consultation to get help.
Have you been arrested for drunk driving? Call Donato Legal Group today at (916) 318-5997 or contact us online to schedule a meeting with our Sacramento DUI lawyer!
What are the Potential Penalties for a DUI in California?
While most DUIs don’t result in prison sentencing, California is tough on drunk and impaired drivers. Implied consent laws mean you must undergo a blood alcohol content (BAC) test or have your license automatically revoked. By having a Sacramento DUI lawyer on your side, you can increase your chances at a more favorable outcome by avoiding some of the consequences that come with a conviction of DUI.
If you are convicted of DUI, you could face:
- Suspension of your driver’s license
- Vehicle confiscation
- Having an interlock installed on your car
- Fines
- Jail time
While these consequences are temporary, they can cause serious disruptions to your life. You need help from a Sacramento DUI attorney like Alan Donato who can do whatever is needed to protect your future.
What Happens When You Get a DUI for the First Time in California?
For a first-offense DUI in California, consequences for conviction generally include three years of informal probation, fines of $390 plus “penalty assessments” (In total, costing approximately $2000, and completing a first offender alcohol program that consists of a 30-hour class, at a cost of about $500.) There is no minimum jail time for a first time DUI in Sacramento, California. You could still be sent to jail for a first time DUI if there were certain factors present such as a minor present in the vehicle, someone injured, someone died.
A first-time DUI sentence may also include required participation in a victim impact panel, community labor or community service work. In Sacramento, you are also required to have an ignition interlock device to be placed on your car upon a first-time conviction for four months.
How We Help Our Clients
While DUIs are dangerous offenses that put other people’s lives at risk, it may be possible to find better ways than fines or jail time to avoid major disruptions to your life. The top criminal defense attorneys in Sacramento at Donato Legal Group have experience helping clients like you get through these challenges.
We may be able to help a judge decide to sentence you with:
- Probation: For first-time offenders, you may be able to avoid a DUI conviction by pleading guilty to what is called a “wet reckless.” Rather than having your license revoked, you will simply pay a fine and obtain a special license to drive to necessary places such as work or school.
- DUI school: While this is often in tandem with other sentences, it may be possible to limit the sentence of your crime by attending classes geared toward helping you see the dangers of impaired driving.
- Installing an interlock: You may be able to have your car modified to prevent you from being able to start it while drunk.
- Community service: By giving your time back to the people you endangered, you may be able to have your sentence reduced.
Contact a Sacramento DUI Defense Lawyer Today
Call one of the Sacramento Defense Attorneys at our firm today to get started on your case. During your initial case review, we can go over the details of what happened to help you improve your situation. There may have been more to your arrest than what police initially noted.
By getting to know you and your situation, we can help you tell your side of the story in a compelling way. Our goal is to help you increase your chances at a favorable outcome. Call today to get started on planning your case.
Contact Donato Legal Group by calling (916) 318-5997 today to schedule a FREE consultation!